44 million households in the US are renters. As a landlord and property manager, you hope your properties have renters.
You also hope they are renters who pay their rent and follow the lease requirements.
One of the ways to ensure you have quality tenants is to use tenant screening services. What should you consider when selecting tenant screening services for you to get the most help?
Learn more about what to consider when choosing your tenant screening service.
User-Friendly Platform
As a landlord or property manager, you're busy. You need the tenant screening experience to be convenient and easy.
Check to see if the tenant screening service provides an online platform for easy access. When you need services from the tenant screener, you need to be able to enter your needs quickly.
When you're on the platform, can you find what you need? The services should be as easy as a few clicks to tell them what you need to get done. You also should have access to various reports based on what screening you're asking for.
Provide a Wide Range of Services
As you consider options for screening services, it's important to consider what services they offer. If you're paying for the service, you want a wide range of services.
Many tenant screening services will offer services like:
- Credit check with credit score and credit report
- Employee verification
- Background check
- Reference checks
- Check for landlord references
If you pay for tenant screening, you want them to care for all your screening needs as a landlord.
Customer Service Support
Many tenant screening services provide users with tenant screening software. You want to know that you'll get the customer service support needed when outsourcing these services.
Do they have a customer support department? Will help be available when you need it?
It won't help you to get their software if you don't know how to use it or if something isn't working.
Clear Pricing for Services
Any time you hire another professional service to work for you, it's important you know what it will cost you.
The tenant screening service should be forthcoming about costs for their services. You want to know precisely what you get and what it'll cost.
If you're looking at more than one option, remember that when comparing tenant screening costs, you want to ensure you get identical services.
Proven Experience in the Industry
You rely on the information you'll get from this screening service so you can sign the best tenants available. So, you want to know the service you hire has experience and is reliable.
Don't be afraid to ask for references for their work. Ask how long they've been in business. Even ask about how their services have evolved over time, so if they're committed to providing the most up-to-date services available.
Selecting Tenant Screening Services That Work for You
When selecting tenant screening services, you want to know what services they offer and what they will cost you. They will be a key part of getting the best properties' tenants.
If you need help managing your Tampa properties, we can help. Contact us today to learn more.